Have you ever wondered what a first session with a life coach looks like?
There are many types of coaches and many different methods used to successfully help clients. When I first meet with clients, it is usually over the phone. Frequently, that turns in to what ends up being the actual first session. I call this the “Wake-Up Strategy Session”. What is a Wake-Up Strategy Session? Often, we live life on autopilot. Most of us are raised learning about our five senses. We know that there is sight, taste, touch, sound, and smell. However, there are more than these five. In fact, depending on the definition of a sense and one’s belief system, there are actually closer to 30 senses. For example, one sense is “thirst”. This sense allows your body to monitor its own hydration level, allowing you to know when you need liquids in your body. Then there is a sense of “itch”. This is a sense separate from our other touch related senses. Proprioception is another important sense. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to know where to scratch your itch without looking since this sense allows you to know where your body parts are without looking. The client and I spend time waking up some of these senses. The reason for this is to help the client to begin to understand that there are whole worlds of possibilities from which he or she can draw resources. The first resource is right within one’s own body. This new bit of information allows a person to realize that many of the answers to their own questions have been there all along. A coach’s job is simply to ask the right questions. The first question is straight forward. What do you want to accomplish by working with a coach? Often, we may have spent a life time hoping, wishing and setting goals for things that other people tell us are what is best for us. It is so important to become exceptionally clear on OUR goals. However, even when the goals are clearly ours, goals without plans are nothing more than wishes many times. After I ask a series of questions designed to identify and clarify both goals and roadblocks to these goals, we focus on “intention”. Intention is more than just a goal. Intention includes designs and calculations and explains the meaning or purpose of a thing or act. We set about to draw up plans with the detail and fervor of an architect designing a prize-winning home for his own family. So, this is your peek in to the first session with this life coach. Do you have goals that need to be turned into plans? What would you do if nothing was in your way?
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April 2022
Life Coaching