My son recently said to me, “Mom, for the first time in my life I truly understand what it means that one must have money to make money.” He had made a small investment in a product and was able to sell it for a significant profit.
I began to think about how every day we all create or hold back abundance from entering our life in so many ways. We either invest in our life or we just think about lack. Why does it matter? It matters because when we feel like we have an abundant life full of blessing and opportunity, we are more likely to enjoy our life. We will feel empowered to make good choices and so we will. With this kind of view of the world we believe that we are not victims. We see something we think needs to be improved, we begin to understand that we are the ones who can make the difference and so we do. Everyone wins! Back to my son, it didn’t just happen. It was outside the scope of his career. He reached out and invested. Little investments that over time make huge differences in his life. He feels blessed and good about his choices. So, he does it again. So, I ask you, where can you invest in your life? Your health? Time with your children? Anything. You choose. Little investments that over time make huge differences. Then, do it again! Produce Peace From Your Pieces
April 2022
Life Coaching